Nefertari .. Legend Queens Age of the Pharaohs
Called «Nefertari» any «Ohalahm», or «beautiful beautiful». It confirms its unique method of preference in the name. As mentioned by historians, the word «alienated» also means «good» or «good», which make them translate its name to «highly qualified, or best, or Otaibhm». Did not «Nefertari» the first to carry this preference, it has preceded the Queen «Ahmose Nefertari», Dean of the Eighteenth Dynasty, which god the ancient Egyptians according to their beliefs after her death, and was named «Nefertari» named after them, and is likely to historians that it might be one of the family itself.
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Like her husband Ramses II, who was fond of the establishment of statues of him everywhere, taken «Nefertari» of the same titles for many of the most important of which «Princess Genetic», «Royal Wife major» and «Lady Terran», «goddess of Upper and Lower Egypt», and also held as «God's Wife». According to many Egyptologists, this title mentioned twice in front of her image in her tomb in the Valley of the Queens, a title the same campaign «Ahmose Nefertari» before, but due to the magnificence of her beauty was nicknamed also «Maliha Face» and «handsome with feathers». Due to the position «Nefertari» large believed that a good marriage «Ramses II» was the consolidation of its position in the South Valley, and in particular good, since nothing whatsoever due to the east of the delta.
In the Valley of the Queens in the area of the mainland west of Luxor, southern Egypt, is the famous Egyptian queen's tomb, which was discovered in 1904 by the Archaeological Mission headed by the famous Italian «Skiabarrylli».
To Qboha «beautiful beautiful» and married Ramesses II to consolidate his rule
Assumed «Nefertari» standing favorite among the wives of King «Ramses II» five, and despite the lack of historical documents, we can discern more of the news through the effects of that era, and perhaps the most important temple «Abu Simbel» small in Nubia, was built by Ramses The second celebration of his wife in memory of the beautiful and unique name.
It is likely that archaeologists «Nefertari» Ramsis II married before he ascended the throne, where they found the image on the boards of Mount series is going back to 1290 BC. M, where you are with her husband, one of the sacraments, the year that preceded his rule. Did not open the cemetery «Nefertari» to the public since it was discovered only in the early nineties of the last century, and that there had been some damage in the inscriptions and decorations due to deposition of salts, as used in the poor quality of carved limestone.
This has led the artists to cover the surfaces of old walls with layers of plaster are carved and decorated in low relief with great skill, but that was the reason behind the damage, rock salt, which crystallized under a layer of plaster, which paid for the fall.
When you visit the tomb of Egyptian Queen and the famous one of the most important tombs of the Valley of the Queens, for that cemetery task of the young Pharaoh «Tutankhamun» in the Valley of the Kings, we note that sector, which carved the tomb «Nefertari» of the mountain, which was one of the worst types of limestone , so the walls were covered with a thick layer of plaster wall reliefs sculpted in the emergence of light and stimulate the ease of painting, sculpture and painting on this layer, the artist to embark on the implementation of the fees very ably. As amended several times, the artist designed panels, add a new layer to cover the old class that emerged from the collapse of some parts of the new amendment, and were settled in the roof of the tomb and drawing it represents a space by painting the sky blue color of dark yellow stars Zain.
In the walls of the cemetery, barely showing the Queen in all its forms, wearing a loose robe transparent folds of white which showed Saaadaha has forged a ribbon pinned down by her chest sticking out of Rabat, and was placed on her head a crown of gold on the shape of a bird Mercy «Nekhbet». In many cases, the last place a crown surmounted by a bird of mercy, Prishtine sun disk between them, the Queen has been decorated with a lot of jewelry from earrings and bracelets and contracts, showing a powder on her face. Design of the cemetery has undergone what was prevalent in the tombs of queens of the Nineteenth Dynasty in the first era, where very similar in their design the tomb of Queen «just» wife «First City».
And when you enter the cemetery has to be to start the peace stone, consists of eighteen degrees, leading to the entrance of the cemetery, which in turn leads to a hall nearly square on its sides the western and northern «leaf» along the taller the average person, it was often used to develop the tools and presentations funeral, with the inscription Wall TOP «Aldilvp» Chapter XVII of the book «the dead» Special leave and enter the other world.
Above this text, and to the left of the inside scenes of the Queen and they play «macrophages», game «sen», a game Pharaonic famous play inside the tent, followed by the image of the Spirit on the shape of a bird with a Queen, it stands above the Necropolis, and then the visitor finds the Queen down on her knees in a posture of prayer, and the Western Wall notes Visitor fee is a lions sun disk between them.
Then notes Visitor bird «Selling«, followed by mummy «Nefertari» tent mummification guarded «Isis and Nephthys» on the female falcon, from both sides, then Horus standing up, and follow these scenes, inside the cemetery, as well as fees for mummies «Ra Hur, my sister », and are sitting on two chairs and sat behind them« Horus ».
On the other side of the cemetery, a visitor sees «Osiris» standing inside the sarcophagus, and between the two sides row upper strikethrough «Horus», and upon feathers from ostriches, and live holy, and on both sides of the wall leading to the hall side, we find on both sides of the goddess «Night» and other «Sais» , followed by a column on both sides «grandfather» subhuman his hand, and wears the crown Invitee «Tattenn», part of which below is a long robe-like dress Queen «Nefertari».
And on the right of the entrance to the cemetery, it seems landscape of Horus leads Queen «Nefertari» where to submit it to «Re Hur», and sit behind him «Hathor» wears a sign the West, and on the other hand, «Isis» leads the Queen and submitted to the called «Stative» sitting on his throne.
The eastern wall of the cemetery landscape occupied by a double submissions, where the tourist sees the Queen with an outstretched arm holding the wand in front of and offerings to the time called «Atom» and once again before the «Osiris» sitting on his throne and in front of the four children of Horus. And on the southern wall of this room landscape of chapter 184 of the book «dead», one of the three rows, the upper grades seven cows and a bull, and in the bottom row of four oars to symbolize the direction of the forces of the sky.
This is followed by the Western Wall, a pattern of the queen, which raises her hands to worship in their own way, and its successors «Isis and Nephthys», Isindan both their hands mummy mummified head of a ram above the horns of the sun books in front of the face «Ra», and the bottom of the text is written: «Ra resting in Osiris, Osiris, resting in Ra », the text symbolizes the continuity of life.
And on the walls of this room a visitor sees «Nefertari», and in front of the text is a talisman to know the gates of the Kingdom of «Osiris». This is followed by guarded gates chained. So as not to stretch the hands of robbers to the cemetery beautiful beautiful