
March 6, 2011

Places and streets in Egypt came from Freedom

Nothing is better than the freedom to be where you are master of yourself .. Control and prevent yourself about yourself when all is detrimental to the value of freedom

Freedom to say no when it is waiting for you to say yes

Is it a cry from the restrictions???

Not feeling any kind of restrictions and do Aloxiaealy your style, but not at the expense of others Inthe words of an example of my freedom ends when you start the freedom of others ..

This is Tahrir Square, before the revolution of the blessed
Is the field capacity of about 2000000 citizen
Transformation of the field of normal and natural to the field 

of fighting and revolution
This is the case during the Revolution

This is the Qasr al-Nil bridge looks gorgeous
This is before the revolution

This is the case during the Revolution
It seems that the scene has changed a lot