
September 20, 2014

Hairstyles when the Pharaohs

, Hairstyles when the Pharaohs

According to what proved skulls belonging to their wives .. Pharaohs used "hair extensions" and henna before 3 thousand years!

Hairstyles when the Pharaohs

Archaeologists found in the Egyptian city of Amarna on a set of skulls Women older than 3 thousand years, stresses that "links" Hair dye is not a new invention.

The archaeologists found 28 skull still retains her hair, with different hairstyles, short ones, some of which is Bzvaúr, and was one of the skulls keeps more than 70 Link hair, according to the newspaper "Daily Mail" British.

Hairstyles when the Pharaohs

Hairstyles when the Pharaohs

She said archaeologist Gaulinda Boss magazine "Life Science", "One of the most fundamental questions in this study, is whether this is the work of layoffs as part of the burial ceremony, or was it part of their daily lives."
It is noteworthy that Amarna was the capital established by King Akhenaten, the last king of the family eighth top ten, which is located 45 kilometers south of Minya Governorate, remains of the ancient capital existed until now.

Hairstyles when the Pharaohs