
October 14, 2010

Pharaonic papyrus


Pharaonic papyrus

Pharaonic papyrus masterpiece

Pharaonic papyrus

Papyrus to Petaml leg of papyrus

Pharaonic papyrus

And of course the de papyri and identify the function of life in Pharaonic Egypt
Because the Pharaonic era that was a Ui is limited to writing and characters known asLena Now you Mcanc exist in ancient times de .. but the Pharaohs were invented a kind ofWrite her name hieroglyphs and inscriptions was a complex and fees of every one was Iany Bimthel character Sparrow character and the Dove character ... 
Pharaonic papyrus

Iany were Abiebroa characters, forms of natureVfla appreciate say that the pharaohs were adept at drawing.Therefore, they write to Bistkhaddmwa is a feeIdentify the ceremonies and rituals, religious MrasmanmAnd portray some aspects of their life .... and show some religious beliefsUniform resurrection after death and the trial and punishment of wrongdoers gods.Ocefathm addition to medical and scientific achievements.. All the things that were de Bismoha in the papyrus, and on the walls of temples

Bas Ya Rcheroshcy this is not the Mosaic KhaalsDe plain paper Earning Like any paper decree upon a normal color JaddaaaDid you see I'm fake, and we have lot of them and natural Mtakhtlvc by AbdaaBut it's actually painted in Bade pharaohs and color they made to the PharaohsThe format and one in every need until the degree of purity of color and Zhute Herein lies the geniusTheir invention in the colors of the estimated 7000 years to prove Now you limit ..

Pharaonic papyrus


[Circumcision] The Egyptians did not know the circumcision of girls, but for boys was considered as the number of boy to engage in an act of masculinity. We have come from the tomb of Tutankhamun Mahor doctor at Saqqara, from the era of the Sixth Dynasty, the end of the old state wall is a carving of one of the circumcision of boys
LinguisticallyWas called to the man who did not enter the experience of masculinity after the word: Amuamm, and the eldest daughter Amat word, the man's experience is: Nmnumei, the minister for women is: Nico
The eunuch is referred to by the term: Schti

Papyri from the Book of the Dead for the ancient Egyptians

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